Category Archives: SEO Tactics

Home Brew Store Moves Online

Local Home Brew Store Boosts Online Ordering Due To COVID-19 My local home brew store did an amazingly fast job of moving products to an e-commerce platform in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. I was so intrigued I had to learn more, so I interviewed the owner and the web designer who made this happen,…
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Online SEO Training

Schedule Online SEO Training With Invenio Online SEO training is now the only way I'll will be offering classes until the COVID-19 crisis is over. It's simply too risky for anyone to be near strangers at this time. I understand that professional development training may be the last thing on your mind, but if your…
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Website Improvements

5 Website Improvements You Can Do Now We're into the new year and I wanted to share just five website improvements with you that can be pretty easily be done fast by you. In no particular order, they are: Set up a Google Analytics account and install the tracking code Set up Google Search Console…
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SEO Experience

SEO Experience Is Highly Valued If you have SEO experience, there's good news for you. Recently, Eli Schwartz published an article on LinkedIn highlighting some interesting data about the rising need for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Specifically, a tight labor market, an abundance of jobs and a fair number of individuals who list 'SEO' in…
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