Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing & SEO

Inbound marketing is a fairly large scale program you implement using a content marketing strategy that has information aimed at distinct points in the buyer's journey.

These stages typically are:

Awareness - I know I have some sort of problem that needs to be solved. I'm don't know what's available to fix this issue I have.

inbound marketingDiscovering solutions - OK, I've found the answer to my problem, but I don't know specifically what product/service to use to fix my issue.

Comparing solutions - I know there are multiple solution providers out there, and I'm gathering as much information about what they offer to see which one is right for me.

Picking a solution provider - OK, based on what I've read about this organization, I feel like they understand what my problem is, and I believe their solution is the right one for me.

Completing the sale - I've purchased the product/solution to finally solve my pain point, hooray!

The content you create has to be tailored for each of the points in the buyer's journey listed above. Let's take a look at how SEO supports an inbound marketing methodology.

Develop Inbound Marketing Content With Keyword Research

People are looking online for help to their problems, and if you know the phrases they're plugging into the search engines, you can build a content strategy for all stages.

Awareness - You do keyword research, and you're specially looking for long tail keyword phrases that ask questions about problems.

  • how to get rid of bed bugs
  • how to create a website
  • what is tally accounting software
  • what is project management software

Discovering solutions - you need to know more about the options you have for solving your target audience's problem.

  • medicare versus medicaid
  • hmo versus ppo

Comparing solutions - information and content that compares features, benefits, prices and options will help your target audience pick what they think fits best for them.

  • compare cars side by side
  • compare internet providers
  • cost of living comparison by zip code
  • compare health insurance plans

Picking a solution provider - here is where your branding and overall online presence through great website content and social media participation can really help, as well as using paid ads targeted at prospects. Believe it or not, Google says your SEO is as much about your branding as it is for non-branded keywords and phrases you want to rank for.

When you think about it, you already have brands you prefer and trust. But when it comes to looking for something new, you have to consume the types of content listed above to see who you want to contact for further information, a demo, etc.

Completing the sale - your website's architecture, navigation scheme and ease of use impacts SEO metrics such as conversion rates, goal completions and engagement metrics such as time on site, time per page visit, number of visitors, etc.

So, the bottom is that your SEO efforts are a part of your inbound marketing strategy. What you do - or don't do - for optimization definitely impacts your marketing and sales goals.

Want to learn more about how SEO affects engagement rates and conversions? Learn how you can easily do your search engine optimization with Invenio SEO training classes.

Would you rather take an online SEO course? Now you can - get more information and register today.

Until we meet again, keep it safely between the ditches!

All the very best to you,

Nancy McDonald

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

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