SEO Work Plan

Create An SEO Work Plan

Doing SEO work shouldn't be seat of the pants, disorganized and come-what-may. No, you want to develop an action plan and work it as much as possible to get better search engine ranking results.

I'm going to talk about why you need an SEO work plan, how to create one, and keeping up with it. Here we go...

An SEO Work Plan Needs Goals!

Before you start a plan,what are your website and marketing goals? You say you don't have goals? Your plan will be much better if you have some goals to shoot for, so go ahead and make a couple. You can keep it simple. Here are some goals:

  • Increase web visitor traffic by 20% over last year's totals
  • Get 50% more pages higher visibility in search results
  • Consistently publish new content twice each month
  • Sell 15% more products online

You get the idea. A work plan can support all of these goals listed above.

Next, evaluate your website. How ready is it to support any of your goals? Some of the tasks you may need to include in your plan are:

  • Keyword research
  • editorial calendar for content marketing
  • New pages and posts
  • Interactive content - infographics, videos, podcasts

You also need to figure out resources. Who's going to do all of this work besides you? Do you need more writers, additional outsourced marketing staff, an PPC SEO expert...who else needs to contribute to goal completion? They're all part of your plan!

SEO work plan

Now, do you need timelines for your plan to be put into effect? Most likely yes! You'll need to figure out which tasks have to be done first, how long people have to do them, who is responsible, etc. Your timelines may not be hard, but neither should you think you have all year to get things done. You may only have a few months!

As your timeline progresses and tasks get done/things get implemented, don't forget to document and measure the results. Did you achieve your goals? Did you have challenges getting work done to meet the goals? How many goals did you hit, and which ones did you miss?

Most importantly, did the SEO work plan improve the website for better search results visibility and did more conversions happen? If not, review what worked and what didn't. Take those lessons learned and go forward from there.

If you'd like to learn more about implementing basic and advanced search engine optimization, take an SEO training course with Invenio. We'll come to you and at the end of your course, you'll have a basic SEO work plan you can fill in and start doing.

Until we meet again, keep it safely between the ditches.

All the very best to you,

Nancy McDonald

Image courtesy of Pixabay

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