Who Is A Digital Marketer?

A Digital Marketer

Who is a digital marketer today? I use the word "today" deliberately, because even as recently as a year ago, a digital marketing expert was not doing things she's responsible for today. Last week, I talked about what digital marketing is; now I'm going to talk about the digital marketer herself.

For starters, she is someone who has a multitude of knowledge, skills and abilities. For example:

  • Manage marketing projects - plan, create and execute marketing projects that have lots of working parts - content marketing, social media distribution, data analysis, marketing campaign launches and more.
  • Analyze and interpret marketing data- using software like Hubspot, Google Analytics, Crazy Egg and more, she's looking at lots of data points and analyzing the data to see what's working to complete marketing goals, and what's not.
  • Manage marketing teams and clients - your average digital marketer anymore has a team of people who provide multiple services - web development, marketing automation synchronization, content creation, social media strategies and of course, search engine optimization!

digital marketerA digital marketer has to know how to accurately identify target markets (personas), capture the best ways to convert prospects into clients using multiple marketing techniques and track the results.

A digital marketer has to understand the different technology that's available to deliver her company's messaging and positioning. This includes traditional computers/laptops, tablets, smart phones, smart watches and the internet of things - wired thermostats, refrigerators and vehicles, to name just a few. Not only that, but she has to understand the limitations of each device and tailor the marketing campaign accordingly.

She needs to harness the power of these mediums:

  • World Wide Web
  • Text messages
  • Apps
  • Webinars
  • Podcasts
  • Digital devices - televisions, etc.

Your friendly neighborhood digital marketer understands that she's a brand builder more than anything. Making your brand known is one of Google's recommendations for doing SEO. Using search engine optimization is just one method to increase brand awareness for those who are searching for business solutions.

A Digital Marketer Works Hard

A good digital marketer knows she has to put in the hard work to understand how her personas want information delivered, and what that content should look like. Does the information contain humor, or is it just the facts? Is a video the best way to deliver content, or does the persona prefer infographics and white papers?

Digital marketing is at the baby stages right now. A year from this post, I can come back and completely re-write it, because I believe it's going to change in large leaps and bounds for the foreseeable future. Keeping up with best practices and new strategies requires our digital marketer to constantly read and learn from others in the space.

SEO is just one small part of any marketing initiative. It's no longer a stand alone process that guarantees success in reaching your target audience. As you continue to market your business, you'll need to get more skills and tools to keep up.

Speaking of keeping up, if you need SEO knowledge, processes and skills, let Invenio SEO get you up to speed on the latest search engine optimization tactics. We have basic and advanced SEO classes to choose from.

Do you need basic SEO knowledge and skills, but want to learn at your own pace? You're in luck - check out our online SEO basic course.

Until the next time, stay safely between the ditches!

All the very best to you,

Nancy McDonald

Image courtesy of jk1991 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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