Google Updates

Keeping Pace With Google Updates

Google updates come almost daily, if not a couple times per week. My students always ask how I keep up with the latest news and updates about the search formula.

Through trial and error and recommendations, I've compiled a short list here for you to consider looking at daily. If nothing else, skim the headlines and anything you see about Google penalties, algorithm updates or announcements about search should be read.

google updatesI'm not including the full list I peruse each day; the ones listed are the best of the best. It's my job to keep up with all the changes and recommended best practices, and I've discovered some in-depth blogs that may not be worth your time to include in your RSS feed.

Google Updates From The Search Engine Itself

If you're absolutely pressed for time, do yourself a favor and look at these three several times each week to keep up:

Google Analytics Blog - changes in Analytics and new features are explained here. Worth subscribing to just to realize the damned left navigation bar is about to change on you again!

Google Search Console - here you'll read all about the search formula changes AFTER they've rolled out, except on the rare occasion ("mobilegeddon") that Google wants us to know about an algo change to HELP us...

The Official Google Blog - you'll get news and information about the company itself, if that interests you. Hiring inititiatives, Google vehicles, etc. are covered here.

Trustworthy, Reliable SEO Blogs for Google Updates

Again, I'm winnowing down the number you may want to follow in this list.

Search Engine Land - the most reputable SEO blog I read. Top notch authors, reliable information, great commentary on the changing search engine market - it's all here. You can find fantastic analysis and breakdowns of each Google algorithm update and penalty, along with best practices to keep your site Google-friendly.

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog - every morning at 0400, I roll out of bed, stagger to the kitchen, trip over three cats, make coffee and look at this daily blog post. Usually very long and detailed, there are tons of articles that show you very precise ways to incorporate advanced SEO into your site. A must read if you're going to stick with SEO in the long term for the best practices and case studies featured here.

Search Engine Roundtable - authored by Barry Schwartz, AKA Rusty Brick, Barry's specialty is reporting on any and all Google algorithm updates by monitoring black hat SEO forums, webmaster forums and talking to Googlers. Barry also covers Google's John Mueller, who does a weekly Webmaster Hangout with his analysis of the more important bits John says.

So here you go. Keep up with these, and you'll be in the loop on Google changes, best practices for white hat SEO and more.

If you'd like to know the other blogs I follow, contact me for the complete list.

Want to learn the most up to date SEO techniques? Come to an Invenio SEO training class for one, two or three days, where I talk about these blogs and all things SEO for you to do to your own site.

You can learn SEO online with our training partner Digital Chalk.

After that, get some hands-on training to gain confidence in doing your own optimization.

Untl next time, stay safely between the ditches!

All the best to you,

Nancy McDonald

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